Are More Advertisers Shifting To Social And Mobile Investment?

Posted by Business
By Sam Hallahan

Over the last ten years or so, media and advertising has taken on a completely new form. Two of the acquisitions of this new form is Mobile and Social Media. Social and Mobile Media have become a hive for people of all ages but are no longer limited simply to communication and online chatting. Social and Mobile Media are rapidly emerging as the most prominent investments in the modern world, so much so that one would not be unreasonable to suggest that there is a significant shift taking place from investing in traditional media to social and mobile media.

If we want to gain some significant perspective on how we consume media differently then we need only compare the daily circulation of some of the world's biggest print media to the daily usage of social networking sites. For instance, recent reports show that if we were to combine the daily circulation of The Wall Street Journal, USAToday, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the New York Daily News, and the New York Post it would not even amount to 40% of the unique daily visitors on Facebook. Sites such as Facebook have integrated a whole new element to social media, by building on the personal and interactive features of social media with commercial and advertising features.

Jon Peddie states in his online article The Social Web and Its Implications that, "The Social Web is not just a fad; it is a fundamental shift in how humans communicate, interact, collaborate, create, inform themselves, prioritize, organize, buy, sell, and play. It is your customers, your friends, your family, your employees, your constituents, your shareholders, and, like it or not, you." These points reflect a strong recognition of a shift in customer use of Social and Mobile media formats to buy, sell and inform themselves of upcoming products and services and as such it is appropriate that marketers and advertising campaigns find themselves shifting their investments towards these newer and more innovative media avenues.

Other companies such as Verve Wireless are shifting Millions of dollars from traditional marketing to social and mobile marketing. What is important to recognise here, is that Mobile and Social media have been experiencing marketing dollars invested in them for a while. However, what we are beginning to see now, are all the makings of a fully-fledged advertising revolution. Not only are marketers investing more in social and mobile media, but they are doing so at the expense of traditional marketing mediums. This in all actuality should come as no surprise to most of us. Considering the percentage of the world's population that own mobiles, considering how often we carry our mobiles with us as well as their access to social media content, it was only a matter of time until marketers began to look into shifting the focus of their advertising campaigns from traditional media to social and mobile media.

Media itself is changing. It develops in direct relation to technology and the possibilities technology allows in engaging and interacting with customers. As such, marketing is shifting its sights onto new media formats such as mobile and social media at the expense of traditional media. The dawn of a new marketing era is well upon us.

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