The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Plastic Business Cards

Posted by Business
By Mankit Chan

Businesses are turning to plastic cards more and more today, and for good reason. There are some really good advantages to using plastic instead of the traditional stock paper cards, but there are also some disadvantages as well. In order to decide for yourself which is right for you, here are some things you should know about them.

Plastic business cards can be a way to boost your business in many ways. They are more durable than paper cards. You can give them out to people without worrying that they will get trashed in wallets, or dissolve in case they are washed. There are almost as many designs to choose from as other cards, and they won't fade over time. There are many different companies offering plastic business cards, much more than just a few years ago.

A strip or number is normally imprinted onto these plastic cards, so as it gets used by the customer, you know exactly what merchandise is being purchased, making it easy for you to track those products being sold and bought more effectively. This will enable you to plan your purchases better, so that you do not buy products that are slow selling. This lowers your overhead expenses, because merchandise just doesn't sit in storage wasting your space. This leads to added customer satisfaction, due to they get more of the merchandise they want and quicker.

Using plastic cards can drastically reduce marketing and advertising, because a discount or loyalty card really speaks for itself, and you don't have to spend extra promoting your business or product. Owners who use plastic cards have more buying power, and can get better deals on the products or services they buy. This is one of the things that really attract people to them.

Customers can feel specials through using the plastic business cards, and they also feel more inclined to use them opposed to regular paper cards, increasing the sales overall. They also feel as though they are getting certain benefits and discounts that other customers aren't getting without the plastic cards.

Just as these are some of the pros to using plastic business cards there are some cons to them too. Since these are plastic they will not decompose like paper which can increase the problem at landfills.

While they can be stunning with the right design, they can also be more expensive to make, take longer to produce, and so you will have to wait longer to get them back from the company. Once they have been printed, it is harder to get changes done, and this in itself can be expensive.

Make sure to compare prices and quality with all the many companies which are now producing plastic business cards. You want to make sure you get the best prices since these cards cost more than the paper ones do to begin with. You need to take enough time to research the offers from these companies, and select the on which gives you the best deal for your particular needs. You also need to look into shipping costs and the number of fonts and designs available too. Due to plastic weighing less than paper the shipping might be cheaper.

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