Article Advertising Tips For Long-Term Success

Posted by Business
By Adam R Tucker

It's really no secret at all about the incredible power of article marketing for sending extremely targeted traffic to websites. You really can improve your marketing power using articles, and that's why we want to tell about a few cool tips you can have for free.

If you have several articles in a particular niche, why not put them together to create a longer document such as e-book, which you can give away as a promotion? When done correctly, this can generate new leads and traffic for you, and it's all accomplished by using the resources you already have. This can be done without spending any money, it only takes a little ingenuity. If you write articles on how to make money online, for example, you could put 50 articles together to make a report and call it "50 Secrets to Making Money Online."

It's totally true that quality will always win out over quantity in everything. A simple tip when outsourcing your articles is to focus on the quality of your articles instead of quantity. There are many cheap freelance writers in the market that will happily write articles for you at a cost $1 or less. You could outsource the writing of tons of articles for significant savings. However the only drawback is that those articles would be terrible in quality. The articles will not be written by native English speakers, so keep that in mind as well.

You want quality, so you'll need to find writers who understand what is necessary to write in good articles in proper English. These writers not only write good articles but they are known for their research. The difference will be in the quality of the information and the way they'll read. You'll have to pay more, but the improved results you'll get will make them worth it.

There are so many ways to use articles in your marketing, and that is one reason why online marketers love articles so much. You can rewrite articles and use them on forums, blogs, and other places besides article directories. There are many forums on the web available on various topics, just Google them and you'd be able to make a list of the ones that are available in your niche. At that point you can just join the forums and then start engaging in what's called forum marketing, but be careful about it and read their Terms of Service. Proceed slowly with it, and in time you can become known as an expert in your niche, etc. Lots of people read forums because they're looking for good information, etc. When you reach out to such people, it becomes easier to drive traffic back to your website through your signature link. Other forum members will click on the link in your sig file, and you'll get traffic from the forum. So it's a good set-up for all involved. Marketers love article marketing because of the type of traffic it can produce which is highly targeted and pre-sold. One of the easiest ways to do this is to submit your articles to article directories. There are hundreds of article directories on the web that you can take advantage of. Besides that, you can also focus on the top directories like and It's possible to rank on the first page with your article, using the directories, but a lot depends on how competitive the market is. As far as ranking in the engines, you can do it but a lot depends on your market and keyword competitiveness. It can be done, but it is no longer a walk in the park to rank well using articles in the directories. If you've done everything right, you can get excellent traffic from your articles, but just make sure you know what you're doing.

Another way articles can work for you is if you've created a product that affiliates are selling on your behalf. Let your affiliates use your articles to promote your product by inserting their affiliate ID. You can make it easier for your affiliates to sell your product by giving them content. In a way, you're helping your affiliates to bring in more sales, which will obviously improve your profits. Promotional articles are a great tool for your affiliates, as it gives them a cost free and easy way to promote your product.

You can also take advantage of article marketing by placing the articles on your own website, which automatically builds trust and credibility with your visitors. Content driven sites are always in demand since they provide lots of quality information/knowledge to the readers. If you're doing SEO for ranking ability, then obviously your articles can serve you very well for that purpose, too. All you need to keep in mind is the keyword density and what kind of keywords you're targeting. In order to get targeted traffic through your articles, you have to make sure that you're writing the articles based on keywords that are in demand. You'll be trying to strike a good balance between good monthly search volume and lower competition. If possible, try to optimize your keywords so you can get them high on the first page of Google, and that requires some bit of knowledge about keyword research and SEO.

It's a good idea to diversify when it comes to creating your articles. It's best to write articles that have different slants and topics. Your articles should not be confined to one single theme. No one likes to read about the exact same subject over and over. However, you still want to stay in your niche. You can approach your topic from a variety of angles and still remain relevant. The more value your readers get out of your articles, the higher will be the response. With all of the article writers submitting their articles, it's important that you stand apart and do things a little differently.

Leveraging articles for your marketing purposes can be done in many different ways. A lot of marketers put RSS together with their articles so they can cast a wider marketing net. RSS is extremely popular with millions of people for efficiently organizing information from different sources on the net. It's easy and convenient to read RSS feeds by using a handy-dandy RSS reader, surprise, and then it becomes a simple process. So it's a very easy process to provide your readers with an RSS feed they can subscribe to, and then you'll be making it much easier for them to stay updated with your site. RSS is very useful for helping to increase the amount of web exposure for your content.

In summary, it's safe to say that article marketing is one of the most well regarded forms of online promotion in existence. If you keep the above practices in mind, you can go a long way with article marketing.

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