How You Can Easily Save Money On Heating Bills With DIY Sash Window Insulation Tips

Posted by Business
By Malcolm Stephenson

With home heating and cooling costs continuing to rise, it doesn't look like the trend is about to reverse any time soon. Fortunately, you have options in ways to significantly reduce these ever-increasing costs. One inexpensive yet extremely beneficial method is to save money on heating bills with DIY sash window insulation installation. It's very easy to do.

While some may elect to replace their home's windows entirely, this can be both expensive and arduous. This is also a project beyond the scope of abilities of most do-it-yourself handymen. The truth is, replacing older wood framed windows with modern plastic models is often ill-advised. Saving a home's original windows through refurbishment, if at all possible, is often a much better plan, and less expensive too.

If you were to take a look at your home with the aid of an infrared camera you would most likely be astounded by the amount of heat energy being lost during cold weather. In many cases this is money being literally thrown out the window. This is neither good for your nor the environment.

Some of the problems responsible for this waste of energy can be poorly sealed basements allowing cold and damp to enter, attics with little or no insulation, poorly fitting doors, open fireplaces and, usually the worst, leaky windows. If your house has older sash windows, chances are they are quite a bit less efficient than when they were installed and this, quite frankly, wasn't that great to begin with. This can, however, be fixed rather easily.

You can start by filling the gap around the window frame will some non-expanding foam. This is only if you're able to remove the window trim easily enough. As an alternative, caulk around the edges of the trim. For a less permanent effect, such as in a rental unit, rope caulk is a good choice.

Weather stripping is the next step and it should be placed on the parts that move, such as the sashes. Various material are used to make weather stripping, including rubber, vinyl and even metal. Either nail it in place or, if this isn't feasible, use some of the self-adhesive type.

If the window panes have become loose over the years they should be resealed. All these steps should actually help your house become quieter and less dusty and, bottom line, you should definitely save money on heating bills with DIY sash window insulation properly put in place.

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