Some Clues On How Sash Windows Work

Posted by Business
By Carl Gibbs

In the opinion of many, sash windows are an intrinsic feature of 'period' homes and should be saved at all costs. Well, maybe not ALL costs, but definitely worth the time and trouble to repair rather than replace. Some repairs are easy enough to do yourself so here's a little about how sash windows work.

Some guy who makes his living restoring older homes was once overheard saying that people who lived in older homes often have never seen some of their windows (or all of them) work as was intended when they were first installed. The good news is this isn't that difficult or expensive to remedy. Some repairs you might do yourself.

Sometimes the only thing keeping a window from working is too many coats of paint. Maybe it's been painted shut or had so many layers painted on that it's gotten gunked up. Some paint remover, a blade and a scraper could go a long way to fixing the problem if it's that simple.

One problem most common to all sash windows is a malfunctioning of the weight and pulley system that's used in counter-balancing of the sash. After any number of years of operation, the ropes or chains just wear out and need replacement. This can be another DIY for some. The weight system is reached through the removal of a cover plate located on the window frame surface.

The cords (or chains) that the counter-weights hang on will normally break during their lifetime of service, but they can be replaced fairly easily. If you're handy you might be able to do this one yourself, DIY style. You know, after a hundred years or so those ropes are going to be tired! It's fairly straightforward to replace them.

Here's the best advice. Old sash windows should be repaired rather than replaced. They're already old and been doing their job with little appreciation. They would love it if you decided to fix them up, good as new. You'd love it too. Modern, trendy, plastic windows just don't look good on an older house.

Here's a little more advice. If you want to find someone to fix your windows, look for someone who makes that kind of work his specialty. He'll know how sash windows work and how to fix them when they don't. Use a specialist. They're out there.

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