The Best Time To Start A Sash Window Repair Company For A True Recession Proof Career Today

Posted by Business
By Peter Caldwell

Current economic conditions have resulted in people loosing jobs, or working for less. Meanwhile, bills still need to be paid and inflation consumes whatever discretionary income remains. The lost revenue must be made up somewhere. One possibility is to start a sash window repair company for a true recession proof career.

Headlines in recent years were about bailouts of banks and companies deemed too big to be allowed to fail, out of control government spending, and foreclosures. Employees have experienced company closings, downsizing, and decreasing pay rates. Some of them have found financial security and work satisfaction by leaving the rat race behind and going into their own business.

Finding a niche in your community is the key. By becoming a specialist, an expert, in sash windows you will be providing a service people will need in good times and bad.

They may not be installed so much lately, but many older houses have them. They are those old style windows with two panels of glass panes that slide up and down in tracks built into the side jambs. Many people do not even know how the work because they have never seen one functioning as intended.

The top panel will slide down creating an opening for the hotter air near the ceiling to escape outside, this creates a vacuum in the house. Cooler, fresh air is then sucked into the house through the raised bottom panel. This ingenious system gives superior air circulation, and it functions automatically, without resorting to any other air movers that consume energy unnecessarily.

Various problems can develop over time with the interior mechanisms and if they are not repaired the system will not work as designed. The panels are supposed to stay where placed, without any propping, with the assistance of weights hung inside the frame which counterbalance the weight of the panel. When suspension chains or cords, pulleys, springs, or compression weather stripping no longer do their job the panel will not stay where placed.

As the wood materials age they no longer move freely, or begin to move too freely, and need to be repaired. Hardware can become defective, and no longer fulfill their purpose. Now you have windows that will not open, or will not stay open without being propped.

The need for maintenance and repair of these defective systems creates a perfect opportunity to start a sash window repair company for a true recession proof career. Someone having the needed skill and patience can supplement or replace his current salary.

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